Europe’s largest online seller of contact lenses Vision
Direct has been hack by hackers and exposed thousands of its customer’s
financial details like credit card number, CVV, expiry date and address.
Vision Direct says anybody who entered their details in
between 3rd to 8th November mostly their details have
been compromised.
Vision Direct stated on its website:
“The personal information was compromised when it was being entered into the site and includes full name, billing address, email address, password, telephone number and payment card information, including card number, expiry date and CVV.”
“The personal information was compromised when it was being entered into the site and includes full name, billing address, email address, password, telephone number and payment card information, including card number, expiry date and CVV.”
The Vision Direct spoke person warns that 16300 customer
records are at risk from hacker. The breach affects those who mainly entered
their financial details in between 12.11am November 3 and 12.52pm November 8,
The Vision Direct told to the BBC news one fake Google
analytics script was injected inside their website code that make their defence
system vulnerable and let the hackers steal the information.
"Vision Direct has taken the necessary steps to prevent any further data theft, the website is working normally, and we are working with the authorities to investigate how this theft occurred.
"If you have any questions in regards to this matter, please call our customer services team on 020 7768 5000 from the UK."
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